Friday, December 13, 2013

For December 13th:

You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” Psalm 16:11 NIV
As I think about so many Christmas memories both with family and other settings, one comes to mind that seems a little frivolous and materialistic.  I have decided to share it anyway, just as a reminder that God shows up in our everyday lives.  It does not have to be a huge event to see the evidence of God.           
The Christmas season that I am referring to was 1988. We had lived in Chattanooga less than a year at that time.  One of my dearest friends was Eileen Locke who was a member of our church before she died a few years ago.  She was always in charge of purchasing gifts for the families in need that the church sponsored.  I love that sort of project so I was helping her.  Eileen got pneumonia so I was left with her shopping list as well as mine.  I was happy to do it but it takes TIME.           
Meanwhile I was neglecting my own family’s wishes.  From the time that our children were born they were only allowed to ask for one thing.  They got more, but could only make one request.  Our son was 11 that year and had requested a certain Lego set.  Now keep in mind this was before the revolution of online shopping.  It was a trip to the store to see if they had the item.  I had been to several stores, but alas could not find that specific Lego set.  The day that I had set aside to explore two more stores was taken with the families in need shopping.  I did make it to one of the stores. No Luck.  On my way to the last store that I thought might have this obscure item, I ask God-I have tried to help you God by getting for others, could you please help me find this one item for my son?
I went inside the now non-existent K-Mart on South Terrace.  My last hope-it was late at night-the store was getting ready to close.  I was tired and did not want to disappoint my child.  I went straight to the toy department and to the Lego aisle.  I looked down and there it was!!!  The revered Lego set.  It seemed as if there was a light shining on it for me.  I was elated, I broke out in tears, and then I thanked my God.  It may seem trite, but I know that God provided for me in that way and it truly has stuck with me all these years to be faithful and trust God with even our smallest needs.  God wants to delight his children.
Becky G. Hall

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