Thursday, December 12, 2013

For December 12th:

“Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness,…” Matthew 6:33
Project #20 Advent Scavenger Hunt:
This is a counting down the days before Christmas activity for your children or grandchildren. It requires some pre-planning and imagination but is well worth the effort in that it makes learning the story of the first Christmas a fun game they will look forward to year after year.
You will need :
1. A hanging banner with the pockets labeled 1-12. (This could be homemade or they can sometimes be found ready made during the holiday season.)
2. 12 “prizes”--figures or pictures from a nativity set (Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, Angel Gabriel, a shepherd, a wise man, a sheep, a donkey, a cow, a star, a manger and a stable.)
3. The Christmas Story (See scripture references from the 4 Sunday’s of Advent in this devotional, Dec. 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd). Use the story to make 12 scavenger hunt clues on slips of paper to be used for finding the “prizes”. (See below for example)
4. 12 mini candy canes (or full sized depending on the size of the pockets on your hanging banner).

What you do:
1. Sit down with the children and read through the Christmas story sometime before tomorrow.
2.On December 13th when no one is watching hide a “prize” in a spot described on a clue (EXAMPLE CLUE: I appeared to Zachariah and to Mary, bringing them news of babies to be born. Who am I. You’ll find me watching from above. Answer-Angel Gabriel) This clue could be hidden on top of a high piece of furniture, in the top of the Christmas tree, above the kitchen cabinets or refrigerator, or even outside on top of the tree house.
3. Insert the clue into the pocket labeled “12” so that it can be seen. (And then the next day in the #11 pocket, then #10, and so on…)
4. When the child(ren) discover the note in the pocket, explain that after reading the clue and figuring out the answer, they can seek out their prize. Be prepared to play the “your getting colder or warmer” game as they search excitedly.
5. Place the “prizes” as they are found to create your Nativity Scene, culminating with the Baby Jesus as the final prize on Christmas Eve.
6. Put a candy cane in the pocket indicating a completed clue and day in the game.
Get creative with the writing of your clues. When your kids are very young you will of course have to make the clues more simplified, but as they grow you can make the clues more difficult. The answers stay the same, and so does the joy, no matter the age.
 CUMC Women’s Ministry

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