Sunday, December 29, 2013

For December 29th:

“For everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1

The Women’s Ministry Leadership Team announces the Women’s Ministry theme for 2014:  For Everything There Is a Season. Just as the calendar shows the seasons - spring, summer, autumn, and winter – there are seasons of our lives. In 2014 our Women’s Ministry events will reflect on these seasons.
Solomon tells us Ecclesiastes 3 that God has a plan for all of us, a time for everything. There is a season for every kind of activity under heaven.  During all of these seasons in our lives, God promises to make everything beautiful for its own time.
Spring is a time of renewal, rebirth, and resurrection. All living things awaken in spring to newness of life. Spring is the season of hope following a winter of discontent. As our human spirit awakens, it is the time to clean and empty the clutter of our lives so that we can live a life re-energized for God.   In the “spring” of our lives we look to God to renew our spirit and give us hope in the future he has planned for u.
Summer is the time when nature comes into its fullness. The blossoms of spring produce an abundance of fruit and vegetables. Summer is a time of playfulness and leisure. Our inner summer is also full of light and growth.  Being connected to God in the “summer” of our lives will help us to mature in our faith and to sow seeds of goodness in the world.
Autumn is the time of harvest. It is the season of gratitude for the abundance we see all around. Autumn is the season of letting go as the green colors of summer are replaced by warm and radiant hues. One by one the leaves let go allowing us to see other things more clearly. In the “autumn” of our lives we look inward to see what needs to fall away. We look to see what we need to gather into our spiritual storehouse.
Winter is a season of rest. Ponds become frozen; hibernating creatures snuggle in their homes; and branches are barren. Nature accepts the changes in the cycle of the seasons. It is the time for withdrawal and restoration of energy. We often encounter storms and hard times during our interior winters. We often lose heart and forget about the hope of spring, the fullness of summer, and the abundance of autumn. In the “winter” of our lives it is time for spiritual rest, a time to reflect on God and his faithfulness. It is God’s perfect order of creation that we rest periodically.
Every season’s entrance and exit is part of the cycle of life. The four seasons tell a story of transformation. And so it is in our lives. As one season flows into the next, we live in a perpetual state of change. Every season in our life cycle is an invitation to grow. The one constant in this cycle of change is God. He promises to be with us in all our seasons and “promises to make everything beautiful for its own time” (Ecclesiastes 3:11).
We look forward to seeing you at the many opportunities we will provide to celebrate life’s seasons during our 2014 For Everything There Is A Season!

CUMC Women’s Ministry

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