Wednesday, December 18, 2013

For December 18th:

“My joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete” (John 15:11).

Happiness Level
Research shows that you can increase your happiness level. Dr. Martin
Seligman conducted research on 1,000 participants.  They took an authentic happiness survey and then they were assigned one of these exercises to complete in a week:
  1. Write every night for a week about early memories.
  2. Write and deliver a note of gratitude.
  3. Write down 3 things that went well each day and their causes.
  4. Write about a time when they were at their best and reflect on their strengths.
  5. Take the character inventory, note their strengths, and use them in the next week.
All showed increased happiness and decreased depression.  Follow-up studies revealed that the longer the participants did the exercises, the greater the happiness increased.

How can we apply these principles? We don’t always choose our circumstances, but we always choose our reaction to them. I have made a habit of counting my blessings so that I can get a happiness boost each morning. As I run on my treadmill, I can see my Happiness Board where I’ve posted pictures of friends and family and positive sayings to encourage me bring a smile to my face.

Jesus instructed his disciples to stay in love with him so that “my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete” (John 15:11). Let’s work on increasing our joy, our happiness, by adopting some new Happiness Habits.

If you need more ideas for Happiness Habits, Cathy can be contacted at Christ United Methodist Church at 423-892-9363 or by email at

Dr. Cathy Robbs Turner


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