Monday, December 16, 2013

For December 16th:

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not parish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
I love Christmas and have many fond memories of my childhood associated with Christmas.  We would have a tree at my home but my favorite thing was getting to set up the Nativity with the Holy family, the shepherds and animals, the wise men and the angel.  I loved to rearrange it almost on a daily bases.  I had several Nativities when my children were small, one for me that was somewhat fragile, and one or two for my children to touch and rearrange.  As I have gotten older, I have learned that there are other symbolic things of Christmas that I did not understand their meaning when I was younger.  I have learned about the candy cane and how it was used to celebrate Christ and Christmas when Christians were not able to display the creche.  A candy maker who loved the Lord made the shepherd's staff to show Jesus as our shepherd but turned upside down it is the "J" for his name. He made the white stripes for the virgin birth, sinless life and purity of Jesus.  The red stripe is for the blood Jesus shed for us on the cross.  The three thin red stripes were for the stripes Jesus received but also for the Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  He made it a hard candy to remind us that  Jesus is the rock of our salvation.  He flavored it with peppermint which is like hyssop, used in Old Testament times for purification and sacrifice.  We can share candy canes at Christmas but we need to remember that they are to be broken just as Christ's body was broken for us.  What a sweet reminder of the meaning of Christmas.  A man gave me a small candy cane at a fast food place one Sunday during Advent.  I told him I knew the story and thanked him for it.  I have found a poem that is for children but tells it very simply.

Look at the Candy Cane
What do you see?
Stripes that are red
Like the blood shed for me.
White is for my Savior
Who's sinless and pure!
"J" is for Jesus My Lord,
That's for sure!
Turn it around
And a staff you will see
 Jesus my shepherd
Was born for Me!
Dear Heavenly Father,  I am so thankful for your wonderful gift, your son, Jesus Christ. Thank you for his birth, his life and for his sacrifice on the cross. I thank you for Christmas symbols that remind us of the true meaning of Christmas.  Thank you for the time at Christmas to spend with our families and people we love.  May we give you thanks all year long for Christmas.

Shelley Irwin                                          

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